
Lucy Loosebox, Michele Tozer and Tabitha Turlington
in the Saturday Show Finale - The Staturday Show was Born
after the Xchange 1992 Renovation,

Morning Tea - Episode #2
with Kerrie Le Gore as Sheryl and Pussy Willow as Rhonda
"Centrelink, Chrissy & Crown Casino" (Part #1 - bottom this page)

Video 1 - Part #1

Video 1 - Part #2
Back in 1989, after a few months of shows, Kerrie and I decided to produce a promotional video of Le Gores Backyard
as a fund raiser for the David Williams Fund. It was very popular and some parts were even played at local sports clubs,
particularly the famous Flappy Francis and her foul mouth. This was the first of 2 tapes, the second was put together early 1990.

Video 2 - Part #1

Video 2 - Part #2

First came "Chanelle's Institute de Beauty"
and then we were treated to another timeless
couple of characters with work mates
Lynne Postlethwaite & Carmel in
"Information and Enquires"

Although not produced by the Xchange,
this compilation of videos from Magda Szubanski,
Jane Turner and the Fast forward team were featured
regularly at the Xchange.

"I mean pet, I mean love, I mean pet
I mean love, I mean really!"
Was the catch phrase that took Australia
and the Xchange by storm.

Lucy Loosebox went on holidays one year and
her sister Lerlene filled in.

It was recession times in the early 90's and this little gem, filmed in Bayswater, shows how to save money for lunch.
Doreen Manganini stared in Wonder World on and off
from 1994. This is the shows intro.
The Control Tops lasted 3 weeks! It only took that long for Loco Minx to upset Alice and it was cancelled. This intro is one of our best though - make sure you watch to the end!
Another great show intro using many video tricks was
New Sensation hosted by Sensation
This FAB 3 intro was devised by Rita and I and again
used many video tricks to create.

In September 1989 "Le Gores Backyard" sprang onto the Melbourne scene. Being an irreverent mix of Drag, Video and Comedy, it stood apart from other entertainment around the Melbourne scene at the time. Kerrie's simple 2 shows format with herself, an established act and a newcomer was an instant hit.

The combination of new technologies (Le Gore's Backyard was the first drag show in Melbourne to use a radio mike!), Kevin "Alice" Attwood's video skills, a ton of humour and the odd gutter drag took the show into new areas, boldly going where no drag show had gone before!

Hi5 appeared on Saturday nights in the early 2000s starring
Lucy Loosebox with Linda Lamont, Candi Stratton, Anatole and Mark. Linda left for other work and was replace by Miss Candee.

Another short lived show staring Jennifer Anne Wells and Terri Tinsel. This show market the return to the stage of Tinsel
after a long break after Pokeys.

That 70s Show was a special 70s themed show
by the cast of Hi5 and ran for several months.

This is a truly fun segment that we put together with the one and only Jennifer Anne Wells back in the 90s for "Live Over Melbourne" her signature Saturday Show. The audio, would you believe, came from Burke's Back Yard!

Back in 1991 it was our 5th Birthday so I put this little promo together to mark the occasion. It features many old Xchange staff including my original business partner Glenn Gilbert and his other half John Schouten both of whom we lost tragically in the mid 90s. You may also see a younger Bruce McKenzie, ex DT's pub, who was Bar Manager at the time.
Inspired by Magda's "Information and Enquiries" skit (see above) and as part of "Le Gores Backyard a New Generation", we filmed a number of episodes of "Morning Tea" featuring the late, great Pussy Willow. The script was put together by Kerrie and it would take a whole afternoon just to get one segment done because we all laughed so much!