Episode #3 "Club Muff" - The Lipstix - Kerrie Le Gore, Miss Candee &
Doreen Manganinni with Muffy, Gloria and the girls take a well
earned break at the fantasy world that is "Club Muff"
Saturday Night Fever intro with Miss Candee strutting her stuff
followed by Candees backyard, the original, with Kerrie Le Gore
and many, many sequins!
Jennifer Anne Wells being chased at the Act-up Clock in
Melbourne followed by her outrageous visit to the Hookers and Deviates Ball.
WARNING - Explicit Nudity! |
Alans Christmas Kitchen with Kerrie Le Gore For all you
need to know from a Master Chef session years before it
time with money saving, practical tips.
Hey Hey It's Dulcie took over from Le Gores Backyard in December 1992. It used a similar format but morphed into something new with the one and only Dulcie Du Jour. |
This is another classic that wasn't produced by the Xchange but did feature our very own Miss Candee. It was a fun retro segment filmed for Channel 7s Live and Kicking in the 90s. |
Every year we filmed at PRIDE MARCH and in 2002 it was
Susie Rides turn to report on the fun. |
Le Gore went everywhere and anywhere in search of a good backyard story. In this one we visited TEN + in Prahran. |
Welcome to Muffy's! This is the first video we ever filmed down
at Williamstown, the start of some memorable afternoons. |
As part of Le Gores Safe Sex campaigns in the early 90s, we met Mr. and Mrs Wrinkle (Brian Buckley as Mr and Mark Linton as Mrs) |
Le Gore returns to Muffys for a makeover but disaster strikes.
Miss Candee arrives having been raped at the Cadillac Bar! |
In the second half of this Muffy adventure, Candee is given medical assistance and recovers from her ordeal. |
Who would hire a double decker bus, fill it full of screaming
queens and then drive to the western suburbs to terrorise the locals? Kerrie Le Gore and the Xchange that's who! |
In 1990, whilst DJing at Winterdaze, I filmed this little memory of Terri Tinsel doing Madonnas "Vogue". It was choreographed by
Tony De Dio and his dancers with 50 Drag Queens! |
Miss Candee, the one and only! Melbourne most loved, outrageous and famous drag queen is still doing high kicks and show stoppers even today. This little Candee Collage was put together for Candee's "brothers" 50th birthday a few years ago. It was a big night at the X and showcases some of the priceless moments to be revealed in full on History X soon. |
This is the advertisement for the second instalment of our visits to Muffy's in Williamstown. The Lipstix "Mark#1" were Kerrie Le Gore, Miss Candee and Doreen Manganinni. With Muffy's legion of friends and helpers this was one memorable day and this
ad was a teaser for the main event, soon to be posted. |
In 1989 we attended the first Candlelight Vigil for those we had lost in the battle with AIDS. It was a very moving a solemn occasion.
After the event, everybody came back to the Xchange and Kerrie performed this memorable number which bought everyone to tears. So much so that straight after it we had
to get the comedy going to lift everyone’s spirits! |
I put this together from old Mandate footage and stuff that I had filmed over the years to celebrate the clubs birthday in 1986. I can't remember what birthday it was but this video does showcase the club that I lived at every Saturday night in the 80s.