menuMusic Videonext
Another of my Rawhide era clips, this one played at Rawhide 2
A WARNING - The clip contains some "erotica" and is is only recommended for viewing by seasoned poofs!
One of the big hits at Pokeys was a little remix I did of the
original Bette Davis Eyes. It was Jan Hillier favourite. This is a "What Ever Happenned To Baby Jane" inspired video clip
put together using a late 90s dance remix.

Back in 1986, videos played in venues were switched "clunkily" between video machines. This caused screens and
video projectors to jump and roll. I hated it! So when planning the Xchange I found and purchased a $15,000 video mixera
that, at the time, was state of the art. This allowed me to mix videos, one over the other, with not so much as a flick...great!!!!
This clip sort of got worked over by the new technology. Wipes, fades, picture in picture, it's all here in Machinery.
This was a feature clip that played nearly every night for 6 months at the X.
Quality is average but you have to appreciate it was done on VHS machines in 1986.
It SHOULD NOT be watched on a big screen.

Who knows, if I get enough feedback, I might remaster it down the track.

In 1983 Canadian dance band Lime released a new 12" called "On The Grid", a remix from their 3rd album. This song instantly struck accord with me but wasn't really working on the dance floor and faded away as other great hits from Lime were released that year. Later that year the Movie TRON was released on video and I had re-watched it a couple of times after falling in love with it at the movies.
One night I had a dream about TRON and "On The Grid" came into my head at the same time. I woke up, startled at the
revelation the vision of TRON and the song were made for each other.

I edited together an extended video and premièred the clip at the Also Rawhide II Warehouse Party on Australia Day 1984.
The song was a huge hit on the giant video screen that night. From that moment on, the song started a resurge in the clubs
and people came up to me telling me how much they now connected with it because of the video. This clip is a total reworking
of the original in wide screen and High Definition and is presented here to celebrate its 30 year anniversary and is one of
my all time favourite music videos...No Problem!

OMG! its Tabitha and Pussy showing you all how
a woman should find love ... not!
One of our early in house clips staring Lucy, Doreen and Viv.
Tabitha and a certain famous Mark in a fun little
send up of Barbie Girl 'coz she was blonde!
4Play and Taboo feature in this one.
Miss Candee adds a little something to an other wise
boring video clip as only Candee can.


